ST 600

The ST 600 is designed to detect electromagnetic signals arising from the operation of electronic devices and trace cables when searching for wired listening devices.

Modes of operation

The ST 600 has two modes of operation:


To search for working devices, this mode is implemented by receiving, converting and indicating electromagnetic signals arising from the operation of electronic devices. Signals are received using the built-in magnetic antenna. The frequency range of the antenna (0.04 – 30kHz) allows for detecting devices even in shielded enclosures.


To trace cables when searching for wired listening devices, this mode is implemented by applying a test signal (455 kHz, modulated by a dual tone low frequency signal) to the wired line and is received by antennas in the main unit. The test signal is generated and fed into the cable by the generator. To compensate for the attenuation of the signal, the generator power can be adjusted. The generator is equipped with two output connectors.


  • The generator supplied with the kit is a functionally complete, self-powered device (battery) and is used when tracing in the cable locator mode. The generator is designed to supply a test signal to the tested wire line.


Magnetic field detector
detector type differential
frequency range, kHz 0,04 – 30
threshold sensitivity, A/m2Hz1/2 10-7



Electric field detector (cable locator receiver)

detector type differential
frequency, kHz 455
bandwidth, kHz 30
threshold adjustment range, dB 30
threshold sensitivity, V/ m2Hz1/2 10-7
power supply, V 3,7




signal frequency, kHz 455
signal amplitude, V 0,1 – 3
signal modulation type PAM (pulse-amplitude modulation)
power supply, V 3,7




main unit weight, kg 0,34
dimensions of the main unit, mm 212 х 64 х 60
generator weight, kg 0,2
generator dimensions, mm 110 х 64 х 60
kit weight in packaging, kg 2,7
kit dimensions per pack, mm 500 х 160 х 220
Height 212 mm
Width 64 mm
Thickness 60 mm
Weight 340 g

Delivery Set

1. Main unit
2. Generator
3. Headphones
4. Battery charger
5. Removable telescopic handle
6. Cable for connecting to computer sockets RJ45
7. Cable for connecting to computer sockets RJ12, RJ11, RJ25
8. Generator ground cable
9. Probe with crocodile clam
10. Case
11. Operating manual

  • Contact us for pricing information.
  • 1-year warranty
  • Delivery time – approx. 4 weeks

Specialized Countermeasures and Intelligence Solutions

Contact Us

(416) 414-7231

Mailing Address

5979 Baldwin St. S P.O. Box 30022 Whitby, Ontario Canada L1M 0B5