Milipol Asia-Pacific has achieved an enviable reputation and established itself as the premier “must-attend” international exhibition and conference focusing exclusively on Counter-Terrorism, Internal State Security, Law Enforcement and Civil Defence in the Asia Pacific Region.
The exhibition presents opportunities to share experience and expertise regarding the sophisticated threats currently facing Governments in the region while showcasing the latest technology solutions in the defence and security environment.
Intelligence and TSCM related products were displayed for visitors, including the Digital FAR system with RF spectrum analysis software application RadioInspector and Wi-Fi Inspector.
The extensive list of advanced capabilities was featured during the event, resulting in further online customer demonstrations now scheduled throughout the month of April.
* Waypoint Counter Surveillance provides government and law enforcement organizations worldwide with sophisticated equipment, software and systems for advanced Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM), SIGINT, local and remote spectrum monitoring, telecommunications, spectrum management, surveillance and intelligence applications.