TSCM Services and Consulting

Without the proper understanding or ability to ensure quality TSCM services, customers can be left in a vulnerable position with no clear direction. Waypoint Counter Surveillance eliminates confusion and uncertainty while instilling confidence with specialized professional TSCM services. We provide targeted customized solutions designed for the specific requirements and technical security needs of each individual client with trained and highly experienced TSCM Specialists and operational teams.

While each potential client needs to determine a TSCM service provider’s actual capabilities, without even a basic understanding of TSCM services, making important decisions about protecting sensitive, confidential or proprietary information can be difficult at best. Even when a client representative is onsite during the inspections performed, unless they are knowledgeable about TSCM services, they will have little understanding of the process taking place or the equipment and techniques being utilized.
Waypoint Counter Surveillance provides a combination of specialized targeted services developed specifically for the needs of its customers, from individuals and small business to larger business, corporate and government organizations. We believe in an educated and informed client and our approach has always been to provide accurate, realistic and detailed information to all of our customers.
Our services have no hidden or added fees such as initial consultation charges. All fees for services are included in our flat rates so you know what your cost will be up-front with no surprises. All phone calls and questions before and after any services performed are provided at no extra charge. You can always feel free to contact us at any time!
Our complete range of specialized professional services provides sophisticated, customized technical security solutions and effective counter surveillance strategies and programs for assignments of any complexity or threat level whether they include single or multiple locations anywhere in Canada or internationally. Clients no longer need to spend valuable time researching, locating and organizing technical security services. We deal with each location separately and co-ordinate all services required while greatly reducing travel costs, equipment problems and many other unique issues associated with international or distant travel operations. We manage the entire process, all with a single point of contact.
We invite and encourage our visitors to read through the various sections of our web site that hold important information surrounding professional Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) services and programs. It is our hope that the information provided here will lead to further research, close comparisons and ultimately a greater understanding of TSCM services, placing customers in a much stronger, knowledgeable and less vulnerable position.
* Waypoint Counter Surveillance’s TSCM Specialists represent more than 30 years of experience with extensive national and international technical security, operational security, cybersecurity and intelligence-related backgrounds to provide a complete range of the highest quality TSCM services.
* Contact us now to find out how Waypoint Counter Surveillance can help with all of your TSCM, technical security and counterintelligence related service requirements or to answer any questions you may have.
Important! Please Note:
* Waypoint Counter Surveillance does not provide TSCM or consulting services to parties involved in illegal activities of any kind nor do we provide any services for the purpose of collecting confidential or proprietary information.
* Waypoint Counter Surveillance is not a licensed private investigation or security guard company and does not perform private investigation or security guard services. We provide TSCM services and consulting only.