RadioInspector Features
- Multiple spectrum and analysis windows.
- Multiple trace comparison.
- Simultaneous dual software operation from a single computer.
- Multiple receiver connection and operation from a single computer.
- Programmable automated operation, task scheduling, and autonomous data collection.
- 2D and unique 3D (next generation) waterfall displays with unlimited recording and playback at user-controlled speeds. 3D waterfall includes zoom control, a GUI that can be resized and is scalable on the X and Y axis and colour enhanced signal level visualization for unprecedented detailed analysis and identification.
- Dynamic compression and increased resolution of waterfall displays.=
- Audio oscilloscope and analysis display for in-depth audio analysis capability.
- Receiver hand-off capability for audio demodulation.
- Long term continuous Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum monitoring.
- Automatic recording of all spectrum data (entire sweeps/scans) with reliable efficient integrity-protected data storage with post-processing, playback, and detailed analysis.
- Extensive, sophisticated post-analysis capability with time patter recognition, intermodulation, and harmonic identification and analysis.
- Search for clandestine surveillance transmitters by use of multiple antennas, remote receivers and by comparison of the current spectrum with a known clean spectrum baseline.
- Detailed analysis of characteristics of individual signals using amplitude-frequency-time monitoring.
- Recording of demodulated audio signals for subsequent advanced analysis and playback including automatic audio demodulation and recording of a frequency when scanned signal levels exceed a baseline amplitude threshold or upon detection of any new signal while scanning.
- Continuous discrete frequency monitoring with programmable settings and frequency grids.
- Real-time analysis of any signal or frequency band with uninterrupted data collection.Advanced configurable graphical user interface (GUI).
- Multiple threat detection parameter triggers.
- Multiple programmable thresholds including advanced dynamic threshold with multiple actions upon signal detection.
- Advanced signal analysis and performance measurement subsystem, providing digital signal processing, frequency, field strength, occupied frequency bandwidth, and full signal parameter estimation measurements.
- Metrological measurement support integrates antenna calibration data when calculating measurement results and accounts for antenna gain/loss factors, intermediate transmission line losses, and instrumental inaccuracies.
- Real-time digital IQ and vector analysis with phase and amplitude, variable filter and decimation and Constellation pattern display.
- Automatic IQ data recording and storage.
- IQ_Process Pro program for sophisticated post-processing of recorded raw IQ data files.
- RF positional GUI zoom down to 250 kHz.
- Full networking capability.
- Multiple signal database logging and comparison capability.
- Full AM / FM, LSB, USB, DMR, dPMR TETRA, Apco25 and NXDN analogue audio demodulation.
- Demodulation and Full digital signal processing and analysis of Dect, Tetra, GSM, UMTS 3G, LTE, Bluetooth, dPMR, DMR, APCO25, NXDN and IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee, ISA100.11a, WirelessHART, MiWi) communication standards.
- Signal Classification Analysis Recognition System (SCARS). – Automatic and manual modes.
- Detailed Wi-Fi device and network analysis are performed with the Wi-Fi Inspector stand-alone hardware/software system.
- Video (NTSC, Pal, Secam) and Digital Video Broadcasting DVB-T and DVB-T2 identification, audio demodulation and on-screen video demodulation.
- Unlimited user-defined spectrum masks.
- Checkpoint identification.
- Active programmable multiple parameter threat lists. Reporting that allows virtually all data charts and graphs to be exported for further processing when required.
- RF spectrum analysis tools using frequency and time techniques to detect spread spectrum, frequency hopping or burst transmitters including signal waveform energy storage, determining the frequency or frequency band of operation, signal bandwidth, and other characteristics.
- Alarm triggering upon detection of signals of interest (SOI).
- Remote monitoring capability: Receivers and spectrum analyzers can be connected via a LAN or the internet to any computer running RadioInspector. Remote operation is performed within the RadioInspector program and does require third-party software.
- Measurement standards calculator.
- Intelligent dynamic configuration file.
- Database integrity verification protocol.
- Automated .exe file launch.
- Programmable detected signal lists.
- Specialized spectrum intelligence and operational data management system with multiple advanced, programmable databases including RF spectrum trace database (with all spectrograms), authorized frequency database, measurement results database, measure standards database, instrument database, task, and planning database, personnel database. Databases include all associated spectrum measurement data and geographic information data.
- Cross-platform analysis capability allows sharing all recorded data and files with any other RadioInspector supported system.
- User interface windows can be resized with plotted results scalable in X and Y directions. Multiple markers and cursor measurements are available and the display can be exported in text and graphic files.
- I_Remote Check program for simultaneous remote monitoring of multiple receiver data collection points for all detected signals that break an operator-defined threshold. Facility or wide-area maps can be displayed with all collections points and detection results.
- Stand-alone IQ_Process program for post-processing of recorded raw IQ data files. Can be installed on any computer for analysis of saved RadioInspector IQ data files.
- Geographic Information Support System: GPS and integrated digital map support. Results are saved with geographic coordinates and can be plotted to a map display to support data analysis, calculation of coverage areas and identification of poor reception areas. Signal geo-location / amplitude direction-finding support. Digital maps are cached for use off-line.
- CVS file converter program.
- SIGNAL LIST VIEWER provides the ability to view a list of signals generated by RadioInspector that exceed a predetermined threshold, along with signal analysis. The signal file can be shared and reviewed off-site, on any computer with the ISBD Viewer installed.
- Support for the largest and continually expanding list of receivers, spectrum analyzers and SDR instruments from professional manufacturers world-wide.

To maximize the professional TSCM operator’s search of the RF spectrum, RadioInspector provides the operator with the following tools, techniques, and algorithms:
- The ability to operate with a large and expanding list of many different spectrum analyzers and monitoring receivers.
- Providing the capability to interface with and automatically control a scanning receiver for listening to demodulated audio signals.
- Displaying RF spectrum masks over an operator-selected range of frequencies including current, minimum and average values.
- Displaying differences between the reference spectral mask and the current spectral mask.
- Displaying differences between the spectral masks obtained from different antennas.
- Maintaining a list (database) of signals that exceed an operator-defined threshold.
- The capability to store a database of valid frequency assignments for comparing to scanned frequencies for the identification of clandestine signals.
- Analysis of the demodulated audio using a built-in oscilloscope and low-frequency spectrum analyzer.
- Recording demodulated audio – including a unique ability to record the 5-second interval that precedes the time the operator selected the “record” feature, which assures audio of interest is fully captured.
- Automatically recording demodulated audio when the RF signal amplitude exceeds a pre-determined threshold value.
- Analysis, display, and alarm on detection of analog video signals.
- Sending an alarm to a remote computer on the network upon detection of a new signal.
- Management of instruments and scanning receivers over the network, including the transfer of demodulated audio signals in real-time.
- Individual signal analysis using a marker and cursor measurements, automatic scaling on the frequency (X) axis, the 2D and 3D waterfall displays, time measurement, modifying scanning parameters “on the fly”, re-initializing and continuous operation of previously saved scans and other features.
* RadioInspector software is in constant development and new features and improvements are being incorporated on an ongoing basis to provide the most advanced up-to-date professional solution for all signal detection, monitoring and analysis applications.