Fixed Frequency Inspection
Monitor a List of Single or Multiple Frequencies, Frequency Bands or Channelized Frequency Grids
RadioInspector’s Fixed Frequency Inspection allows an operator to continuously monitor and analyze a list of discrete independent frequencies. The operator can separately monitor single frequencies or multiple frequencies while selecting the number of measuring points. Multiple windows with separate frequency lists can be programmed and run sequentially with zoom control and both 2D and 3D waterfall spectrogram displays.
The Fixed Frequency Inspection also provides the operator with the ability to program a ‘Grid’ of channelized frequencies for any frequency band, portion or segmented portions of the RF spectrum with a selected grid step size, enabling the rapid and intuitive build of a frequency list for scanning the local environment and enhancing searches through channelized communications bands.
An adaptive threshold can be set by db level or signal to noise ratio, and each frequency that exceeds the threshold line is analyzed and saved in a list. Signals in the list are identified and classified utilizing the industry leading Signal Classification Analysis Recognition System (SCARS). Saved spectrum amplitude traces can be compared to any number of previously saved traces. IQ data and demodulated audio can be set to record automatically for live or post analysis and the operator can control the number of audio recordings and quality sample rate along with duration settings. An external program or application can also be set to launch upon signal detection.
Frequencies can be entered manually for monitoring, or previously saved frequency lists can be retrieved and loaded. Once programmed, frequency bands or frequency grids can also be saved and reloaded at any time for scanning and analysis. In Addition, frequencies can be added directly from any ‘Authorized Frequency Database’ file created by RadioInspector during data collection.
As with regular spectrum scanning and data collection, the Fixed Frequency Inspection supports dBm, dBmV, dBmkV, dBWt, dBmkWt/cm2, dBWt/m2 measurements. Also supported are current, minimum, maximum and average trace measurements and comparisons along with Checkpoint Identification.
All received signal information and spectral displays associated with the scan are saved and stored as a single trace file. Each measurement in the database corresponds to the time of occurrence and geospatial coordinates obtained, when using a GPS receiver.
The Fixed Frequency Inspection is a key analysis tool for use in TSCM, SIGINT or spectrum management applications to target specific known threats or signals of interest ensuring they are immediately addressed, or to effectively search for discrete signals in unknown environments, when little or no data is available. The ability to isolate any section of the spectrum by individual frequency, frequency band or channelized grid provides greater focus in a complex RF environment, while helping to target, organize and prioritize specific areas of interest within any segment of the spectrum, increasing operational flexibility during on-site or remote monitoring applications.